Remotely controlling a computer

It is possible to remotely control a computer using the Remote Desktop functionality. This allows you, for example, to remotely close down programs on a particular computer.

To launch a program to remotely control a computer

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Computers icon Computers and choose All Computers.

  2. From the right-hand pane, right-click the computer and from the menu, choose Tasks, Remote Control.

  3. Remote Desktop will start by default enabling you to control the selected computer. To specify another remote control program, see Related Topics.


  • You can remotely control a computer from the RM Management Console Start page. Click the Computers icon and from the list of tasks, select 'Remote control a computer'.

  • It is also possible to remotely control a computer from the Tasks menu by choosing Computer, Remote Control.

Related Topics

Specify a custom remote control program